Thursday, November 3, 2011

Nov. 4

Comparing a Long Distance Runner and a Sprinter.
Which body type would you like to have?

5 Sets of:
3 Bench Press
250m Row

Full recovery between sets.

Post Load and Time for each set.


  1. Uh . . . the black one?

  2. 225/:44 225/:44 225/:45 230/:45 225/:45. good to see a big 4:45 group on a friday! keep it up.

  3. It was fun to work out with you Ken. Some day I'll catch you

  4. Dwain Chambers (black guy, top right) is not a very good example. In 2004 he was suspended for two years after leaving a positive doping test. The illicit substance in question was Tetrahydrogestrinone (commonly known as THG). He is also banned from ever competeing in the olympics again. I don't know about you, but his is not the kind of body I want. Not considering what he has used get it.
