Monday, December 19, 2011

Dec 20

21 OHS
42 Pull Up
15 OHS
30 Pull Up
18 Pull Up


"Mini Josh"
21 OHS
30 Pull Up
15 OHS
20 Pull Up
10 Pull Up



  1. So I was looking for a crossfit box in Shreveport for some family there(and for m me when I visit). And I ran across this in one of their blogs. Enjoy

    You know you're a CrossFitter when...

    You practice gymnastic skills at work.

    You’re asked in a job interview, what your strengths and weaknesses are and you reply," My Fran time is strong but I need work on my double unders.”

    You tell an attractive woman after the workout, “You’re a freaking beast!”, and she wholeheartly says “Thank you!”

    You don’t own a tractor but you own tractor tires.

    Every time you go to Lowe’s/Home Depot, you are looking for the exercise potential of equipment rather than stuff for your home.

    Your shins have more scrapes than a twelve year old boy.

    You know better than to say, “That looks easy”.

    You’ve spent HOURS watching videos of other people working out (who does that?).

    When you travel, your first concern is if there is a local affiliate closeby.

    You know that a 70%+ dark chocolate bar can sub as 3 blocks carbs.

    You must workout with loud obnoxious music, but never hear a word of it.

    You don’t bite your nails- you pick your calluses.

    You talk about WODS, snatches, thrusters, and jerking, and know that these all have nothing to do with sex.

    You consider other CrossFitters family.

    I hope everyone in our family has a great Christmas.

  2. That's great! Thanks for sharing, David!
