This is why we don't sell all those products you guys ask about. We are here to give you the best product we can offer and that is fitness (health). Come and get it!
Heavy Single
EMOM for 8min
2 Power Snatch @ 60-70%
5 Pull Up or 2 Muscle Up
(Must do Ring Rows if you do not have a Pull Up unassisted...No bands today)
Ken is out today, but you have no excuse. Our friends across the street will be opening up the gym in the morning and I will have the place open all afternoon. So come in and do the workout!!
1 Mile Run
Full Recovery
1000m Row
You can choose what order to do these in. My suggestion is, if you want to PR one do that one first.
5 x 1 Power Clean + 2 Front Squat
(Go heavier than last time)
Compare to (7/23)
"Death By Clean and Jerk"
* 1C&J in the first minute, 2 C&J in the second min.....continue this until you are unable to complete the set number of Clean and Jerks in given minute.
CrossFit Total tomorrow @ 11am. If you are coming to the CFT, take a rest day. That being said today's workout is programmed for those of you that will not listen to me :)
Weighted Pull Ups or 4 x Max Rep Pull Ups
Start thinking about getting some rest and recovery for the CFT this Saturday @ 11am. For those of you that won't take a day off or are not going to make it this weekend here is your workout.