Sunday, September 30, 2012

Oct 1

Just a video of some heavy thruster. Don't listen to the coach stumble through trying to explain the thruster. We will take care of that in class.

1 Rep Max Thruster

Master's Chipper 2012 CF Games
For Time:
10 Deadlift (275#/185#)
20 Pull Ups
30 Box Jump 24"/20")
40 KB Swing (1.5/1)
50 Double Unders
40 KB Swing (1.5/1)
30 Box Jump (24"/20")
20 Pull Up
10 Deadlift (275#/185#)
(17min Cap)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sep 28

Thought this could use a re-post. Funny...yet so true sometimes.

After a little laugh, let's address the "too fast to care" category. 

Yes, sometimes it is just because your mind is somewhere else during your uncomfortable state of high intensity training. That is why we are there to come by and tell you to make corrections. Listen to these corrections and make your best effort to fix them. Will it slow you down some? Probably. That is okay, this is training. Yes, we want you to push yourself, but you have to take the time to do it right. 

The more often you do a movement correct the less time you will have to take setting up for that movement later....muscle memory (familiarity of the movement due to repetition) will take over. That is why you see Ken's Clean and Jerks in Grace all look exactly the same.  He has taken the time to perfect the Clean and Jerk and now he can do a lot of them and do them fast without risk of injury.

Now to address the Strength side. You will have less limitation in the future if you lift as heavy as possible without allowing your form to go away. Check the ego sometimes and let your self train at a lower percentage to help you stay safe and get really strong in "good / strong" positions. Not everyday is a MAX OUT day!! There is a reason it is a max lift and it is because something is starting to give out. Here is what a cycle should look like:
5 x 5 Back Squat - all 5 sets @ 70-80% (ex. 245#) (good form) 
5 x 3 Back Squat - all 5 sets @ 80-87% (ex. 275#) (good form)
5 x 2 Back Squat - all 5 sets @ 87-93% (ex. 300#) (good form)
5 x 1 Back Squat - all 5 sets @ 93-97% (ex. 315#) (good form)
We tell you 1RM Back Squat - Max out (Best form you can do!)

Today's Workout
5 x 1 Clean + 1 Front Squat
or (only if you can't squat clean)
5 x 1 Power Clean + 2 Front Squat

3 x 5 Weighted Hip Extension (Heavy / Challenging)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sep 27

A1. 3 x 3 Bench Press
A2. 3 x ME Pull Up

4 Rounds of:
400m Run
50 Air Squat
2min Rest

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sep 26

Skill Work
Forward Roll

Seven Rounds (or 20min AMRAP):
3 Forward Rolls
5 Wall Climbs
7 Toes To Bar
9 Box Jump (30"/24")

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sep 25

5 x 1 Press + 2 Push Press

8 Sets of:
20 sec Hang Power Clean
10 sec Rest
20 sec Push Press
10 sec Rest

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sep 24

Magnesium is a cofactor in bone formation and increases calcium absorption. So don't focus so much on calcium for stronger bones! Focus more on weight bearing exercise, vitamin D and magnesium to keep bones strong.  

Where can you get magnesium?
Fruits and Veggies. (dark green vegetables)
Supplement (magnesium citrate mixed in water) 

5 x 3 Back Squat

EMOM for 10min
2 Deadlift (Heavy)
5 Burpee

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sep 21

A.7 x 1 Hang Snatch

Or (if you can't squat snatch) do:

A. 7 x 1 Hang Power Snatch + 2 OHS

B. 5 x 2 Snatch Pulls @ 100% of Snatch

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sep 20

For Time:
800m Run
400m Run Backwards
800m Run
400m Run Backwards

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sep 19

3 x 3 Rope Climb

4 Rounds of:
10 Push Up
20 Sit Up
10 Box Jump

Whole9 on Alcohol.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sep 18

1 Rep Max - Weighted Pull Up

For Time:
100 Thruster

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sep 17

Can you list all of these Deadlift Faults?

1RM Push Press

Handstand Push Up

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sep 14

A. Clean - Max
B. 3 x 3 Overhead Squat

Optional Work
(Do this if you took to many rest days this week!)
2k Row

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sep 13

Do work.

4 Set of:
200m Run w/ Plate (45#/25#)
200m Run w/o Plate

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sep 12

Not an action shot, this is a Maltese and is a static strength hold (like our handstand, plank, L-sit, etc).

3 x ME Handstand Hold

2min Max Box Jump (24"/20")
2min Rest
2min Max Push Up
2min Rest
2min Max KB Swing (1.5/1)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sep 11

The "Dip" to go overhead.

4 x 3 Push Press
(1 x 70% / light - 1 x 80% / med - 2 x 90%)

10 Min AMRAP
10 OH Lunge (45#/25#)
20 Sit Ups 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sep 10

Front Squat - Max

3 Rounds of:
15 Chest To Bar Pull Up
20 Burpee
15 SDHP (95#/65#)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sep 7

A. Heavy Single Clean and Jerk
B. 3 x 3 Clean Pulls @ 105-110% of Clean
C. 10 Rep Max Back Squat Attempt @ 60-70% of BS

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sep 6

Also happens to be the Main Site WOD we are mind readers or something. Compare your Helen to others (HERE).

3 Rounds of:
400m Run
21 KB Swings (1.5/1)
12 Pull Up

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sep 5

" I would rather do burpees than box jumps." - Steven C.

4 x 2 Front Squat @ 90-95% 1RM

"Steven C."
For Time:
50 Burpee Box Jump (24"/20")

Monday, September 3, 2012

Sep 4

4 x 5 Push Press
(1 x 5 @ 60% / 1 x 5 @ 70% / 2 x 5 @ 80% of 1RM)

"EST Test WOD"
For Time:
500m Row
15 Pull Up
30 Push Up
40 Sit Up
50 Air Squat
400m Run