Monday, October 3, 2011

Oct 4

Time to get pumped up for EST's first CrossFit Event!! 

On Saturday, Oct. 15th at 11:00am we will host a CrossFit Total and Social. 

Brief explanation on how this will go.....we will start warming up at 11am and then divide up into groups based on your back squat weight. You will get about 3 attempts at your heaviest back squat with a full recovery between each attempt. After you finish back squatting we will move on to 3 attempts at your heaviest shoulder press. After that you will finish with 3 attempts at your heaviest deadlift.  Add each of your heaviest lifts together (1rm back+1rm press+1rm deadlift) to equal your CrossFit total. It is important for all of our clients to try to attend this. The CFT is a strength benchmark workout that will show your progress and/or give you a starting point to later measure your progress. Plus it will be a ton of fun!! Here is the best part, we will follow all of your hard work with hot food and cold drinks (adult beverages if you prefer). So don't miss out!!

CrossFit EST = building a healthier community.

Today's Workout:

Skill Work
Kipping Pull ups

Followed by:


3 Rounds of:
400m Run
21 KB Swings (1.5/1)
12 Pull ups


  1. 10:49 (PR by about a minute and a half)

  2. Good job Charles! 10:49 Rx'd and a PR as well ! Oh, and of course- Go Rangers!
