Here is the 12 Days of Christmas WOD for this Friday @ 6pm
1. Snatch @ 155#/105#
2. Muscle Up
3. Handstand Push Up
4. Pistols
5. Ring Dip
6. KB Swing (1.5/1)
7. Box Jump (24"/20")
8. Toes 2 Bar
9. Push Up
10. Lunge
11. Deadlift (155#/105#)
12. Wall Ball (20#/14#)
Workout is performed like the song....1, 2-1, 3-2-1, 4-3-2-1...and so on. Like all workouts, this can be scaled. So come all!!
We will be sticking around after the WOD for a Social Gathering at 7pm. We accept any food or drinks you would like to bring by =)
Here is today's WOD:
3 x ME L-Sit Hold
2min Double Under
1min Rest
2min Up Down
1min Rest
2min KB Swing
1min Rest
2min Up Down
1min Rest
2min Double Under
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