Thursday, December 13, 2012

Dec 14

Best ornament gets to remove 2 days out of the 12 Days of Christmas WOD and gets labeled as the coolest person of the day. Bring by an ornament, any ornament, home made, something you found.....anything!

Here is the 12 Days of Christmas WOD for tonight @ 6pm
1. Snatch @ 155#/105#
2. Muscle Up
3. Handstand Push Up
4. Pistols
5. Ring Dip
6. KB Swing (1.5/1)
7. Box Jump (24"/20")
8. Toes 2 Bar
9. Push Up
10. Lunge
11. Deadlift (155#/105#)
12. Wall Ball (20#/14#)

Workout is performed like the song....1, 2-1, 3-2-1, 4-3-2-1...and so on. Like all workouts, this can be scaled. So come all!!

We will be sticking around after the WOD for a Social Gathering at 7pm. We accept any food or drinks you would like to bring by =)

Today's Strength WOD is:
3 x 3 Pause Front Squat
3 x 3 Bench Press (Heavy as possible)
3 x 10-20 GHD Sit Up

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