Monday, April 4, 2011

April 5

Elbows in front of the bar, stay upright, explosive hip drive, and press out.

3RM Push Press

200m Run
50 Sit ups
25 Push Press
200m Run
40 Sit ups
20 Push Press
200m Run
30 Sit ups
15 Push Press
200m Run
20 Sit ups
10 Push Press
200m Run
10 Sit ups
5 Push Press


  1. I'm going to take the running out...and decrease the weight...and reps.
    - Hooker

  2. got 85# x 3 on my push press, but only 2 @ 95#. Think I could've gotten 3 @ 90# but was too tired by then.

    17:25 on the metcon. couldn't keep up with Rob!!

    Good workout today!

  3. Shoot Ava, I think you just let me past you to make me feel better. 165 x 3 and 175 x 1 on Push-press. 15:45 on the Metcon. Who's Hooker?
