Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 7

Fish Game

4x500m Row (2min rest between sets)
3x Max Handstand Hold (2min rest between sets)


  1. Finally gonna make it back in today.

  2. "Who is Hooker?" I figured this would come up and since Lofland didn't field this question I will. I've know Lofland since we were about 16. He introduced me to Crossfit a few years back. Ken and Candice know me as well. I'd usually work out with those three and always come in last. At the beginning of 2011 I moved to Chicago and became rapidly out of shape. So just now getting back into Crossfit. Starting back at square one sucks horribly.

    Now onto the workout for today. I don't have a rower here. So...not doing this one.
    - Hooker

  3. Hooker is just an internet troll....I have no idea who this guy is.

    P.S. Run (4x400m)instead of Row

  4. Dude, you know who I am. I was the guy that always worked out with you, well I was doing the same workout as you, in the same room with you, really close to you. You hated it. Remember? I was that guy.

    Nope sorry too late. Day is done and I didn't see your response in time. No workout for today. I'm blaming this one on you.
    - Hooker

  5. yeah chris, hooker's the one that did 20 rounds of your mom, remember?

  6. Well Hooker, I'm the new guy that rolls around the gym floor cleaning up all the left over chalk, like a whale stuck in the sand. Oh and after that I hump the GHD to finish the WOD. Someday Ken or Chris is going have to video this so, I can die laughing. That was not a request! I'm just glad they don't have mirrors yet. I think Ken and Chris keep the doors open, hoping someday I'll get thru all the WOD as Rx. Ok, so I'm hoping.
    This journey will be very rewarding and knowing that keeps me coming back. Hooker, I hope met your goals.
