Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sep 7

Lots of Pr's and first timers with Fran yesterday and it was awesome! Great job everyone! 

Let's talk about women and fitness a little bit. The most common thing I hear every time I talk to a women interested in CrossFit or just getting in shape is.....wait for it...."I don't want to bulk up." Please look around, we are not bodybuilders. We train differently, we don't build bulk. Lifting weights is important for everyone, women included. Here are just a few reasons why... 

Lifting weights will make your bones stronger.This will make you less likely to suffer a broken bone after falling down. Women are at higher risk of breaking bones than men. My guess is they are not lifting as much. -WHACK-"I'm okay!"

Lifting weights builds muscle. This means you will store less fat. Your body will have more energy with more muscle which means it will not need to store access fat. "Look at my flat stomach."

Lifting weights will make you feel better. There is a hormonal response in the body that helps you feel more energetic and happier. "Gosh I feel so much better!"

Push Jerk

For Time:
21 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
21 Box Jump
400m Run
15 Box Jump
400m Run
9 Box Jump
400m Run

As Rx'd
95/65 SDHP
24"/20" Box Jump


  1. I don't know, Ava sure looks like a muscled-up body builder to me....jk

    Press jerk - 175/195/205/215/225
    Metcon - 11:22 RX'd

  2. you don't get out much, Charles, do you? :)
