Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sep 9

"Barbell Complex"

5 Rounds of:
9 Deadlift
7 Hang Power Clean
5 Front Squat
3 Push Jerk

Rest 3 min. between rounds.

Go as heavy as possible. This workout is a breakdown of a Clean & Jerk. So think about hitting good body positions. Tight back, keep the arms straight during the pull, elbows high in the squat, and drive yourself under the bar!

Post Load and Time.


  1. Coach Ken C’s birthday is this weekend. We are having people over to our house to celebrate on Saturday around 3ish until ? We’ll be grilling some meat and drinking some drinks! Bring a swimsuit if you want. Txt me for our address or questions 817-996-2860. Come hang out with the Godfather!

  2. Happy bday Coach Ken!! Another year older but still killing WODS like someone half his age.

    As for me today, 135, 145, 155, 165 and 175. The last set absolutely drove me into the ground. Thanks to the birthday boy for making me go up on the last set.

  3. Nice #'s Charles. Happy Birthday Godfather.

  4. 75/80/85/85/85 would have liked to work it up to 95# but the push jerks at 85 were quite enough!
