Monday, August 22, 2011

Aug 23

3 Rep Max Back Squat

We have done a 10 rep max, then a 5 rep max, today we will do a 3 rep max. Increase your weight from your 5RM. Guess what is coming soon...

For Time:
Wall Ball
Ring Dip
Push Up

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  1. 315 on the squat and 8:38 on the metcon (blue bands for ring dips). My arms were so stinking dead

  2. I didn't do any of this today. I'll get back on your programming soon Lofland.

    I did the main sit WOD today:
    Five rounds for time of:
    40 Double-unders
    30 Box jumps, 24 inch box
    20 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
    Rx'd 23:36

    What a gasser and my calves are so tight from running that damn mile yesterday.
    - Hooker
