Monday, August 1, 2011

Aug 2

Skill Work
Double Unders


On the min., Every min., for 10 min.
3 Deadlift @ 70-80% of 1RM
3 Box Jumps 30"/24"


  1. Awesome picture!!! Can't wait to wod with you guys...especially now that Ken is officially the 8th fittest 45+ year old man on Earth!! BAM, SON!!

  2. Today I learned the benefits of staying consistent in the gym by seeing how awful I was performing. Here is what I did in no particular order or rep scheme:
    36 Squat Cleans (133#)
    36 Ring Dips
    Time: probably too long.
    - Hooker

    Congratulations are in order for Ken. so... Congratulations Ken. Great job this weekend.
