Friday, May 6, 2011

Free Sat 9am Class

In Honor of Navy Seal Lt. Michael Murph 
Honored with a warship bearing his name (HERE)

9am Class

"1/2 Murph"

800m Run
50 Pull ups
100 Push Ups
150 Air Squats
800m Run
Partition the Pull ups, Push Ups and Squats anyway you want. (eg.10 rounds of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats)

11am Class


1 mile Run
100 Pull ups
200 Push Ups
300 Air Squats
1 mile Run

1 comment:

  1. I have finally joined a gym here in Chicago although not a Crossfit one, too expensive for this graduate student.

    Here are the results of my first two WODs since, probably, November and one month of not smoking. I really picked up some bad habits when Lofland switched jobs. My world was rocked.

    1) 10min AMRAP
    3 Squat Cleans (135#)
    1 Round of Lofland's mom (Cindy)
    I got 5rds

    2) 12min AMRAP
    3 DL (225#)
    6 T2B
    9 KBS (55# DB, no KBs at the gym)
    I got 7rds + 5 KBS

    Not too thrilled with the numbers but what can I expect after 6months of debauchery.

    So, I do implore you all to start or continue to post your times and scores so I can at least have some point of reference on my progress. I will be following EST's WODs as best as possible up here in Chicago and will post my shit as well.

    - Hooker
